Improve Your Poker Game by Using Different Hands in Different Situations


If you want to play poker and improve your game, you should consider using different hands depending on the situation. When you play passively, you should use different hands than when you’re aggressive. You should also consider your visual range and estimate the frequency of action. Once you know this, you can axe out the hands you would play differently.

How to deal a flop without burning a card

The tradition of burning cards is still present in live poker. The idea is to make sure that you don’t accidentally turn over a card. If you accidentally turn a card over, the dealer is supposed to pull it from the deck and use it as the burn card for the next flop. The player that was dealt the card will get a new one. The other players, who are being dealt blinds, will be notified of the misdeal and the deck will be reshuffled.

The purpose of burning a card is to eliminate any chance of a cheater using it to identify the top card. It is not exclusive to poker, as it is practiced in many card games. In fact, it is a tradition that originated in brick-and-mortar casinos, which were worried about cheaters using card markings.

Range strands in poker

Range strands are important concepts in poker and are frequently discussed among players. Players often use a common shorthand to talk about their ranges, such as “JJ+” for pocket Jacks and “AQ+” for all higher hands. Range strands are useful to keep in mind when making a betting decision. One of the most common ways to use range strands is through ante bets, which are made before the game begins. They are typically one-tenth or fifth of the amount a player must contribute to the pot on subsequent streets. This encourages aggressive play early in the game.

The concept of poker ranges is important to understanding how poker hands fit together. One way to visualize these is to look at a 13-by-13 matrix showing the different poker hands. You’ll see the pocket pairs diagonally on one side of the grid, while suited combinations are shown over the other. The space below the diagonal is reserved for unsuited combination. You can highlight selected poker game hands to make them stand out in the range matrix.

Holding a hand until you see your opponent’s cards

Holding a hand until you see your opponents’ cards is a bad poker etiquette practice. While it is not cheating, this practice shows poor poker etiquette. Other examples of angle shooting include concealing high-value chips or pretending to call.

A player who shows their hand before his or her opponents’ can have an advantage over opponents who don’t reveal their cards. However, this strategy can lead to snippy commentary and a long delay in the game. Furthermore, it can also lead to players going on tilt.


Bluffing is a strategy that is used to make an opponent think that you have a weak hand, but in fact, you have a good hand. This type of bluffing requires forethought. It involves thinking about how your hand will develop and making adjustments on each street. If you can predict when your opponent will fold, you can increase your chances of winning.

There are many tells that a player might be bluffing, including the amount of time that they take to make a bet. If a player is staring down after making a bet, they are probably bluffing. Similarly, players who size their bets differently may be bluffing. By paying attention to these tells, you can exploit them to your advantage.

Angle shooting

Angle shooting when playing poker is a technique used to trick your opponents into thinking you have fewer chips than you actually do. This can change the strategy you use to win the hand. For example, suppose you have 15 big blinds, but your opponent has a full stack of big chips. You might flop top pair with a decent kicker, then put all your chips in, thinking that your opponent will fold. Then, when your opponent calls, you see that they have covered.

If you see that someone is using an angle shot in poker, make sure to stop it immediately. While it isn’t technically cheating, it is an improper way to play the game. It is considered bad etiquette and can lead to a ban or disqualification. The penalties for angle shooting vary depending on the severity of the offense. Repeat offenders may be banned from tournaments.